- 2019-4-11 23:54 发布
- 浏览 2473 次
- 下载 213 次
* Chromium browser updated to version 72
* VLC media player updated to version 3.0.6
* RealVNC Server updated to version 6.4.0
* Flash player updated to version
* Performance improvements to SDL library
* Performance improvements to pixman library
* Option to set display underscan added to startup wizard
* Mounted external drives now displayed on desktop by default
* Network plugin modified for improved compatibility with wpa_passphrase
* SD Card Copier tweaks to reduce copy failures
* Various minor bug fixes and appearance tweaks
* Added ethtool
* Added rng-tools
* Add PINN restore support
* Linux kernel 4.14.98
* Raspberry Pi firmware f8939644f7bd3065068787f1f92b3f3c79cf3de9
*Raspberry PI固件F893964F7BD3065068787F1F92B3F3C79CF3DE9
* Chromium browser updated to version 72
* VLC media player updated to version 3.0.6
* RealVNC Server updated to version 6.4.0
* Flash player updated to version
* Performance improvements to SDL library
* Performance improvements to pixman library
* Option to set display underscan added to startup wizard
* Mounted external drives now displayed on desktop by default
* Network plugin modified for improved compatibility with wpa_passphrase
* SD Card Copier tweaks to reduce copy failures
* Various minor bug fixes and appearance tweaks
* Added ethtool
* Added rng-tools
* Add PINN restore support
* Linux kernel 4.14.98
* Raspberry Pi firmware f8939644f7bd3065068787f1f92b3f3c79cf3de9
*Raspberry PI固件F893964F7BD3065068787F1F92B3F3C79CF3DE9
2018-04-18-raspbian-stretch 完整版 本次更新主要是针对树莓派3B+做一些...[详情]
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- 镜像 完整版 2019-06-20-raspbian-buster-full.zip 树莓派4B首个支持系统下载
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- 2019-07-10-raspbian-buster.zip 树莓派4B系统种子 下载
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- 2019-07-10-raspbian-buster-lite.zip 树莓派4B系统种子 下载
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- 2017-03-02-raspbian-jessie 树莓派系统下载
- 2015-05-05-raspbian-wheezy_shumeipai.net
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