- 2019-7-22 12:12 发布
- 浏览 2379 次
- 下载 209 次
* Clearer options for switching of Pi 4 video output in Raspberry Pi Configuration
* Option added to Appearance Settings to move taskbar to second monitor
* Option added to Recommended Software to restrict package installs by architecture
* New version of Adobe Flash player (
* Selection of screen refresh rates added to Screen Configuration
* Fix for missing text insertion cursor in LibreOffice on Pi 4
* Fix for Wi-fi interruption when Wi-fi icon on taskbar is clicked
* FIx for incorrect desktop background behind desktop login prompt
* Fix for segmentation faults when launching obconf and lxapperarance
* Fix for unclosed file pointer in Screen Configuration
* Fix for Bluetooth plugin freeze when large numbers of devices detected
* Fix for opening URLs not working in lxterminal
* Fix for start menu opening on incorrect monitor when launched from keyboard
* Fix for taskbar item not having [] removed when un-minimising on second monitor
* Linux kernel 4.19.57
* Raspberry Pi firmware 356f5c2880a3c7e8774025aa6fc934a617553e7b
* Based on Debian Buster
* Support for Raspberry Pi 4 hardware
* FKMS OpenGL desktop graphics driver and xcompmgr compositing window manager used when running on Raspberry Pi 4
* Screen Configuration application added for use with FKMS driver
* Raspberry Pi 4 video output options added to Raspberry Pi Configuration
* Uses new PiXflat UI theme for GTK and Openbox
* CPU activity gauge plugin no longer shown on taskbar by default
* CPU temperature gauge plugin added (not shown by default)
* USB ejecter and Bluetooth taskbar icons hidden when not appropriate
* Version 74.0.3729.157 of Chromium web browser included
* Version of Flash player included
* IDLE Python IDE removed
* Wolfram Mathematica removed temporarily due to incompatibility with Buster
* Display of package sizes removed from Recommended Software
* Appearance Settings modified to support independent settings for two monitors
* Oracle Java 7 and 8 replaced with OpenJDK 11
* Miscellaneous small bug fixes
* On-board 5GHz WiFi blocked by rfkill by default
The block is removed when taking one of the following actions:
- Selecting a locale in the first run wizard
- Setting the WiFi country in the Raspberry Pi Configuration tool or the Network Settings applet
- Setting the WiFi country in raspi-config
- Providing a wpa_supplicant.conf file through the boot partition
- Running 'rfkill unblock wifi'
* Boot partition size set to 256M
* Linux kernel 4.19.50
* Raspberry Pi firmware 88ca9081f5e51cdedd16d5dbc85ed12a25123201
* Clearer options for switching of Pi 4 video output in Raspberry Pi Configuration
* Option added to Appearance Settings to move taskbar to second monitor
* Option added to Recommended Software to restrict package installs by architecture
* New version of Adobe Flash player (
* Selection of screen refresh rates added to Screen Configuration
* Fix for missing text insertion cursor in LibreOffice on Pi 4
* Fix for Wi-fi interruption when Wi-fi icon on taskbar is clicked
* FIx for incorrect desktop background behind desktop login prompt
* Fix for segmentation faults when launching obconf and lxapperarance
* Fix for unclosed file pointer in Screen Configuration
* Fix for Bluetooth plugin freeze when large numbers of devices detected
* Fix for opening URLs not working in lxterminal
* Fix for start menu opening on incorrect monitor when launched from keyboard
* Fix for taskbar item not having [] removed when un-minimising on second monitor
* Linux kernel 4.19.57
* Raspberry Pi firmware 356f5c2880a3c7e8774025aa6fc934a617553e7b
* Based on Debian Buster
* Support for Raspberry Pi 4 hardware
* FKMS OpenGL desktop graphics driver and xcompmgr compositing window manager used when running on Raspberry Pi 4
* Screen Configuration application added for use with FKMS driver
* Raspberry Pi 4 video output options added to Raspberry Pi Configuration
* Uses new PiXflat UI theme for GTK and Openbox
* CPU activity gauge plugin no longer shown on taskbar by default
* CPU temperature gauge plugin added (not shown by default)
* USB ejecter and Bluetooth taskbar icons hidden when not appropriate
* Version 74.0.3729.157 of Chromium web browser included
* Version of Flash player included
* IDLE Python IDE removed
* Wolfram Mathematica removed temporarily due to incompatibility with Buster
* Display of package sizes removed from Recommended Software
* Appearance Settings modified to support independent settings for two monitors
* Oracle Java 7 and 8 replaced with OpenJDK 11
* Miscellaneous small bug fixes
* On-board 5GHz WiFi blocked by rfkill by default
The block is removed when taking one of the following actions:
- Selecting a locale in the first run wizard
- Setting the WiFi country in the Raspberry Pi Configuration tool or the Network Settings applet
- Setting the WiFi country in raspi-config
- Providing a wpa_supplicant.conf file through the boot partition
- Running 'rfkill unblock wifi'
* Boot partition size set to 256M
* Linux kernel 4.19.50
* Raspberry Pi firmware 88ca9081f5e51cdedd16d5dbc85ed12a25123201
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